Kamis, 07 Oktober 2021

The city of Blitar is also famous as a center for jimbe drum craft. The jimbe drum craft from Blitar City has penetrated into foreign markets such as China and Africa.

The jimbe drum craft center is located in Sentul Gendang Village, Sentul Village, District
Kepanjen kidul, City of Blitar and in the district of Blitar. Almost all Blitar residents make drum jimbe crafts.

The atmosphere of the drum jimbe craft begins to feel as soon as you enter the gates of Sentul Gendang Village.

 Inhabitant seen active in making drums in each of his homes. The pile of wood that has been cut into pieces seen in the yard of residents' houses.

A number of semi-finished jimbe drums were also seen lined up on each terrace of the residents' houses.

"Almost everyone here makes jimbe drums

As for outside the Sentul Village area, there are jimbe drum craftsmen in Minggirsari village, Blitar Regency, who are producers and exporters of drum jimbe to China.

Senin, 08 Juli 2019


About Us

          CV.MAHARANI ABADI is a Campany engaged in export and import trade. CV.MAHARANI ABADI was founded in 2016 and has 35 employees to date.
        CV. MAHARANI ABADI is a supplier and manufacture of drum djembe. The owner chooses to market the djembe drum as a trading commodity because the owner has a love for art and there is an aesthetic value to the djembe drums it self.

        Cv.Maharani Abadi is Ready to serve drum order with large parties. Our company every month always sends drums to China with the model and motive request from the buyer. Our Company provides good quality drums to reduce consumer disappointment,with this our company prioritize the quality of the result. Satisfy consumers